Project: Aesthedes

Goal(s): Archive the knowledge of the Aesthedes and with this, the history of CAD while also having an original system fully operational.

Current state: Finished.

Backstory: In 2018 we received an Aesthedes. After the move in 02/2020, the Aesthedes was part of an interview done in the museum (Youtube video). One of the responders to this video sent us a story when his company got one back in the day. Meanwhile, we received a phone call from Donna Lewis who worked with this machine and wanted to work again on this machine, while also explaining us. This caused us to start restoring the machine with no knowledge, no videos, no manuals and no pictures of how it should work.


2021: First power on of the Aesthedes: Video

2022: Aesthedes is now 90% operational: Video

2023: Finally found the cursor and a few months later, we got the control unit mostly fixed. Still a small problem, so we still can’t draw.

02/2024: Aesthedes 1 from University of Amsterdam will go to the collection of the HomeComputerMuseum.

10/2024: Aesthedes 1 is brought in.

01/2025: The Aesthedes 1 is now operational and last problem solved in the Aesthedes 2. HDD of Aesthedes 1 still needs to be saved.

03/2025: Bill, a former salesman of Aesthedes from the UK, visited the museum and made a design on it, showing how he sold the Aesthedes back in the day