HomeComputerMuseum / Labs

Welcome to the HCM Labs & Research. A site dedicated to all the projects and research done by the HomeComputerMuseum.

The HomeComputerMuseum has a big collection of computers. These computers are set-up in a period-correct environment and are set up interactive. Because of this, visitors will get a nostalgic feeling and start remembering stories about the computers. Stories about why they bought it, or perhaps why the manufacturer decided to use that specific hardware to create it and what was their goal.

The HomeComputerMuseum collects these stories and, if possible, share them. We also find some unknown leads to what a particular object is used for or what it changed in the world, these stories are shared around the Internet. Labs & Research is a central place where you can find information regarding these objects and stories.

Since 2018 we reconstructed the history of Aesthedes, an almost forgotten design computer, Holborn and the full story of Aster. Also we received some internal stories about the demise of Tulip and Philips DCC from the people responsible for it. And what does CD-i has to do with Sony Playstation? We know. This and more will be found on this website.

This website is opened late december 2022 and will be filled with all the stories and research we've done. Also included is the future of the actual museum and where the company is going for. 

Goal(s): Archive the knowledge of the Aesthedes and with this, the history of CAD while also having an original system fully operational. Current state: Finished. Backstory: In 2018 we received an Aesthedes. After the move in 02/2020, the Aesthedes was part of an interview done in the museum (Youtube video). One of the responders to this video […]

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Goal(s): Provide a registration system to register technical collection items. Current state: In progress (85%) Backstory: Current collection registration systems for museums are not capable of hosting collections like the collection of the HomeComputerMuseum. Changes inside objects (hardware changes), multiple versions of the same object and a history on repairs is not available. The HomeComputerMuseum built their […]

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Goal(s): Provide a closed data storage (archive) for digital heritage within the Netherlands, run by a non-profit organization. Current state: Looking for investors Backstory: As one of the digital heritage media readers/convertors, we found there’s no long term solution for keeping digital heritage archived. The only viable solutions (like Google or Microsoft) are for-profit companies and data […]

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